Everyone can make a difference by standing up to racism
Bystander anti-racism is action by “ordinary” people in response to interpersonal or systemic racism that they witness.
Research shows that while many people disapprove and are disturbed when they witness racism they do not always act.
Standing up to racism is a strong sign of support. It can also make the perpetrator or institution think twice about their actions.
The Be Brave, Speak Up campaign grew out of a program called Voice your Voice initiative and is a powerful expression of the impact of racism on young people and the importance of speaking up. Speaking up makes a difference.
By speaking up when we witness racism we can all help to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect. All members of our community deserve to be treated fairly and to feel safe and respected.
The Challenging Racism Project has launched a series of Bystander Anti-Racism videos to help the public speak up, speak out and show support when they witness racism.
Bystander anti-racism video by North Melbourne Football Club