Goal and principles

Goal and principles



A just society

Schools impart the values of a just, democratic and harmonious Australian society with a shared commitment among all members of the school community to human rights and civic responsibilities.

A safe and secure environment

All members of the school community – staff, students and parents have the right to a safe and productive teaching, learning and working environment free from racism.

Equitable access, participation and outcomes

Students of all cultural or linguistic backgrounds participate in quality teaching and learning programs that enable them to achieve their full potential.

Diversity and cultural identity

Cultural and linguistic diversity is acknowledged and valued so that all students, parents and employees are able to express their own cultural identity, relate in a positive way to others of diverse backgrounds and recognise the benefits of diversity for Australian society.

Culturally inclusive education

Curriculum, resources, assessment and teaching practices value and respond to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the community and provide educational experiences that are inclusive of the diverse needs of all students.