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- 1. Official language of Poland. Also spoken in parts of Russia (6)
- 2. Official language of Australia. Also spoken in many other countries (7)
- 3. Slavic language which includes Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian varieties (5,8)
- 6. Language spoken in south-eastern India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia (5)
- 7. Official language of Turkey. Also spoken in parts of nearby countries (7)
- 12. Official language of many countries of the Middle East and North Africa (6)
- 14. Official language of Italy. Also spoken in Switzerland and North Africa (7)
- 17. Official language of Greece. Also spoken in Cyprus (5)
- 19. Official language of Germany and Austria (6)
- 21. Official language of Cambodia (5)
- 22. A northern Australian Indigenous language spoken on the Tiwi Islands (4)
- 4. Chinese dialect widely spoken in northern, central and western China (8)
- 5. Official language of Wales (5)
- 8. Language spoken in Samoa and parts of New Zealand (6)
- 9. Language spoken in Somalia and Ethiopia (6)
- 10. Official language of Holland. Also spoken in Belgium and parts of Africa (5)
- 11. Official language of Spain and many south and central American countries (7)
- 13. An Australian creole, spoken in various forms, throughout northern Australia (5)
- 15. An Australian Indigenous language spoken in central Australia (8)
- 16. Celtic language which includes Irish, Scottish and Welsh varieties (6)
- 18. Official language of Russia. Also spoken in a number of nearby countries (7)
- 20. Official language of Vietnam. Also spoken in parts of Cambodia and Laos (10)
- 22. Official language of the Phillipines (7)
- 23. Most widely spoken language in India. Also spoken in Fiji and parts of Africa (5)
- 24. Official language of North and South Korea (6)