Fair go, fair share, fair say, fair content!
FAIR GO is about equal opportunities and the way schools are organised and run
- students from all backgrounds have opportunities for success
- classrooms and schools are organised so students do their best
- access to learning is not limited by personal circumstances
- well-trained, committed, caring and knowledgeable teachers
- recognition and working with diversity
- no discrimination of any kind and effective grievance procedures
- parents have access to information and support to assist learning
FAIR SHARE is about ways resources are shared so that priority is given to those students who need them most
- all students get the benefits of education for future life and employment opportunities
- students’ strenghts and needs are known and acted upon
- students most needing extra support, get it
- high quality teaching and learning materials including technology for everyone
- students from all communities achieve literacy and numeracy standards valued in Australia
- teachers work with parents and communities to back their students
FAIR SAY is where students, their families, teachers and community members have the right to express their views and to be heard
- students express their identities without harassment
- students have a sense of belonging and feel safe at school
- language is used thoughtfully and respectfully within the school
- relationships are based on respect, trust and recognition of differences
- teachers provide honest and constructive feedback to students and parents
- schools listen to the views of students, parents and communities
- students, teachers and parents can influence decisions that affect them
FAIR CONTENT is about what is taught and how it is taught
- students know about and have access to the full range of subjects available to them
- activities are realistic and connected to the students’ present and future lives
- lessons value and build on students’ backgrounds. knowledge, skills and values
- learning experiences are inclusive of student cultures and gender
- students, teachers and family members talk about learning and assessment
- learning is negotiated between teachers, parents and students
Additional resources:
- Social Justice and Equity Principles
- Priority Schools Funding Program, Support Sheet #1
- Student Services and Equity Programs
- NSW Department of Education and Training 2002
- Priority School Funding Program
- Equity Coordination Unit, Student Services and Equity Programs
- Copyright 2002 NSW Department of Education and Training
Theme: Countering racism – education, policy, legislation – Culture, language and identity – Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination