2.11: Respect

Lesson overview

Theme:Taking action against prejudice
Age Group:Year 2
Learning Area:English

Content descriptor

Students listen to and contribute to conversations and discussions to share information and ideas and negotiate in collaborative situations.

Teachers notes

  1. This activity may be conducted during class time or over several sessions.
  2. Dictionaries (including bilingual dictionaries) may be provided to assist students with limited English in defining respect.


Butcher’s paper, large sheets of paper, magazines, coloured pencils, textas, scissors and paste.


  1. Introduce the concept of respect and its importance in our school community (or link to Positive Behaviour and Engaged Learners (PBEL) program.
  2. Ask students to brainstorm the meaning of respect. Record students’ responses on the board or on butcher’s paper.
  3. Ask students to think of examples which might illustrate respect e.g. listening to others’ opinions, treating others as you would like to be treated, helping people out etc. Record students’ responses on the board or on butcher’s paper.
  4. In small groups or individually, ask students to create or find images which represent respect for themselves, for each other, for teachers, in their school, community or town e.g. people from different backgrounds working or playing together, or a time or event that celebrates diversity. Students may choose to draw images, create a collage, take photographs or make posters which illustrate the concept of respect.
  5. At the conclusion of the activity, display students’ artwork in the classroom or library.