Lesson overview

Theme:Taking action against prejudice
Age Group:Kindergarten
Learning Area:Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Content descriptor

Students ask for help when injured or hurt.

Teachers notes

  1. This activity introduces students to appropriate strategies for dealing with unfair situations. These strategies need to be revisited throughout the year.
  2. This activity is adapted from the mandatory NSW DoE 2019 Child Protection Education [PDF] Curriculum materials, that continues the NO GO TELL program of earlier curriculum materials.
  3. If Kindergarten has not completed the program, this activity may need to be expanded with more discussion of safety networks.
  4. The activity may also be adapted to complement other similar programs e.g. STOP THINK DO! which may be in used in the school.



  1. Introduce communication skills to assist students to achieve positive outcomes in response to unfair situations:

    Reaction: NO! STOP!
    1. That’s unfair.
    2. That’s not kind.
    3. I don’t like that
    4. Please stop!
    5. Don’t do that
    Consider the situation: GO! THINK!
    1. Is this fair?
    2. What can I do?
    Action: TELL! DO!
    1. Walking away, not aggression.
    2. Confiding in a teacher, parent or other person who could help.
  2. Using the handouts: Classroom 1 and 2, Monkey bars 1 and 2, Playing soccer 1 and 2 and School canteen 1 and 2 as prompts and Flash cards [DOC], ask the class to practise the communication skills above.
  3. Following on from the concept of who could be asked for help, discuss with students who might be in their safety network. Ask students to draw and label members of their safety network on My safety network [DOC].
  4. Summarise NO GO TELL! / STOP THINK DO!
    1. NO/STOP: use appropriate language
    2. GO/THINK: walk away if the situation continues
    3. TELL/DO: tell a teacher or someone in your safety network if the situation continues.