Australian Citizenship Day – 17 Sept.

News & initiatives

Family holding Australian flag on Citizenship Day

Australian Citizenship Day – 17 Sept.

Schools, organisations and community groups are also encouraged to organise special events and activities.Since 2001, the Department and local councils promote this day by holding:special citizenship ceremoniesaffirmation ceremoniesother events around the countrySchools, organisations and community groups are also encouraged to

Me, My culture and NSW

Me, My Culture and NSW Competition

Woke has partnered with Multicultural NSW to create the ‘Me, My Culture and NSW’ competition. This is an opportunity for young people to celebrate diversity, share their culture and join us in combating cultural stereotypes and racism.General informationAll entries must

Kamay - Botany Bay National Park

Endeavour: Eight Days in Kamay

Challenge current perceptions of the arrival of Captain James Cook and the HMB Endeavour at Kamay Botany Bay in 1770…This learning and teaching resource provides a range of viewpoints and works to challenge current perceptions of the arrival of Captain

Meyne Wyatt on Q&A

Meyne Wyatt monologue – Q+A

Actor Meyne Wyatt delivers a powerful monologue addressing systemic racism and discrimination towards Indigenous Australians from his play, City of Gold.This episode was broadcast on Monday, June 8 2020. See what others are saying...Read responses to this video on Facebook

2020 Welcome - Refugee Week

Refugee Week – 14-20 June

Refugee Week is a great opportunity to show your school welcomes refugees and the contributions they make to our communities.The theme for 2020 is… Celebrating the Year of Welcome  In 2020, Refugee Week will be moving online to ensure we can celebrate

In this together - National Reconciliation Week 2020

National Reconciliation Week 2020

National Reconciliation Week runs annually from 27 May – 3 June. The dates that bookend the week commemorate the anniversaries of the 1967 referendum and the historic Mabo decision, respectively.  NRW Events in 2020: lock down and social distancing We encourage everyone

School children waving harmony day flags in front of wall with writing: Everyone belongs

Harmony Day – 21 Mar.

Education is a key focus for Harmony Day. Communicate the importance of cultural diversity – encourage values, promote participation and provide some fun ways to learn.How can schools get involved Our diversity makes Australia a great place to live. Harmony Day

Cool Australia logo - learn for life

Final Quarter curriculum resources

Cool Australia have partnered with the producers of The Final Quarter and experts in human rights, reconciliation and psychology to develop a set of 46 lessons to support teachers from years 5 to 12.These lessons are designed to support teachers and students in