Jannali High & Beverly Hills Girls’

Secondary archives

Jannali High & Beverly Hills Girls’

Making a Difference! (2005-2007) Jannali High and Beverly Hills Girls have come together in Literacy and Numeracy Week to promote learning together. Both students and staff have found the experiences rewarding and the activities exciting. Last year, students from both

St Joseph’s College & Wiley Park Girls’

This exchange was a Studies of Religion inter-faith project aimed at developing understanding about Christianity and Islam. In this project, senior students from a St Josephs College and Wiley Park Girls High School came together to learn about each others’ religions and cultures. St

Blacktown Boys High & Bundarra Central School

Blacktown Boys High School and Bundarra Central School conducted a rural / urban exchange aimed at developing students' understanding of cultural diversity and rural life. Learning activities included in this cultural exchange program included school visits, art and music workshops,

Student Partnerships Conferences

2007 On 3 September 2007 more than 300 delegates and presenters participated in the annual Cultural Exchange Student Partnerships Conference at Australian Technology Park, Redfern. The conference provided schools with an opportunity to showcase the cultural exchange programs they have

Galstaun College hosts interfaith dialogue

Respect, Understanding and Acceptance - 150 students come together for intercultural experience. In this program, around 150 Jewish, Muslim, Armenian, and Catholic students from four north shore schools came together at the Galstaun College in Ingleside for an innovative three-part intercultural

Strathfield South High & Windsor High

Cast two very different Sydney high schools together to produce a film about youth culture and the result is We are all Australian. This film was produced by the students and teachers of Strathfield South and Windsor High Schools and

Cabramatta High & Manilla Central School

Manilla and Cabramatta Student Cultural Exchange In this program, students from Manilla High School (which is located near Tamworth in northern NSW) and Cabramatta High School visit one another over a two year cycle. This exchange has been in place